Chula Vista in top 20 of Halloween fun

Out of 100 cities in the United States, Chula Vista ranks as the 14th best in the country for trick-or-treaters at Halloween.

According to a study published by Wallet Hub, Chula Vista earned a rank of 7th in trick-or-treater friendliness and 75th in “Halloween Fun.”

Analysts used metrics that included share of potential trick-or-treaters, share or potential trick-or-treat shops, population density, crime rate, haunted houses per capita, Halloween costume stores per capita, Halloween party supply stores, and pedestrian fatality rate.

Of the five U.S. cities with the lowest crime rate, Chula Vista ranked 4th, just ahead of Henderson, Nev,.

Chula Vista’s total score of 57.98 out of 100 was based on a scale of 1 to 100, with 100 representing most favorable conditions and 1 the least.

New York, N.Y., with a total score of 76.05 ranked 1st in tric-or-treater friendliness and 2nd in Halloween fun.
Birmingham, Ala. ranked the lowest out of the 100 cities with a total score of 32.32.
San Diego ranked 9th.

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