Chula Vista class of ’65 planning their 50th

Chula Vista High School’s Class of ‘65 remembers those days well, and will be reminiscing about them the weekend of Sept. 25-27 at their 50th high school reunion.

“Organizing a 50-year reunion is a tremendous undertaking, attempting to organize this reunion through the magic of the Internet,” said Bruce Stanley, a journalist working in Southeast Asia and a member of the CVHS class of 1965 Reunion Committee which has members based in Florida, Ecuador, Missouri, Thailand, Arizona and of course San Diego County.

Those were interesting times, said Stanley.

“Obviously, we came of age at a pivotal time in history,” he said. “The Vietnam War was in full bloom and we were forced to consider our place in the world.”

Stanley noted he and his classmates were seniors in 1964 when: Barry Goldwater advocated dropping the nuclear bomb on Hanoi; and girls were being harassed for their ever-shorter hemlines and often sent home if they were not long enough.

Noting “we were on the cusp of the generation-gap, counter-culture and sexual revolutions,” Stanley added, “We will find out in late September how we survived those times.”

Classmate Marla Freund agreed with Stanley that their high school years were “pivotal,” noting that, when they graduated, the Beatles were just starting out, surfing was coming into its own and that women weren’t even allowed to wear slacks to school, just dresses.

But unlike Stanley, Freund remained in Chula Vista. She agreed with him that organizing and executing a 50th high school reunion is no small undertaking. She said about two-thirds of the class’s 420 graduates were found and invited to the reunion.

“We had a base list (of names) that we kept updating,” Freund said noting the reunion committee “kept sending out postcards to addresses knowing we’d get them returned, but hoping we’d find new addresses for them.” But, Freund lamented, “Some people we’ll probably never find — they’re just lost.”

Another CVHS ’65 classmate, Carole Westcott, said she’s looking forward to the reunion adding “these are the kids I grew up with and the kids who influenced and helped form me. I have kept in touch with many over the years, and we look forward to our reunions where we pick up where we left off, reminisce and catch up with each other.”
Wescott said it’s also interesting to learn of her classmates’ various adventures and accomplishments.

“One of our fellow Spartans put on her bikini and swam in a fish tank as one of her early jobs,” Wescott said. “Some of the musical entertainment (at reunion) on Friday evening and Sunday afternoon will be provided by our classmates. We also hope to learn a little line dancing and perhaps a little ballroom dancing from some of our former Spartans.”

Wescott said former CVHS graduates from different classes will be participating in the reunion bash, which will be DJ’d by Michael Weiss and the restaurant’s manager “whose children and grandchildren also attended CVHS.”

Reflecting back, Freund recalls the mid-‘60s it was a much simpler time. She’s glad for modern conveniences. But pointed out everyone back then got along without them just fine.

“I’m glad we didn’t have cell phones,” she said. “I liked our lives the way we had them.”

Freund encouraged her classmates to attend their September reunion and “renew all their friendships.”

Four Points Sheraton hotel at 8110 Aero Drive will be the party venue for Friday and Saturday night’s reunion festivities. On Sunday, activities will switch to an outdoor party at the home of Van and Dianna Davis at 54 F St. in Chula Vista starting at 1 p.m. featuring Fiesta de la Luna 1965, Mexican food, margaritas, beer and soft drinks.

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