Bright future ahead

It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your appointed Councilmember and Deputy Mayor for the City of Chula Vista these past two years. In my short time, a few highlights of accomplishments come to mind, the first of which was to help streamline the permitting process for businesses to help grow and thrive in our community. Even further, working with the Economic Development Department, the business community and business leaders, we helped to helped create the city’s most comprehensive Economic Development Work Plan.

In helping both residential and business communities, our office helped to create the an ordinance to prohibit 24-hour RV parking in public right of ways established a community-driven parking district by Southwestern Community College and addressed a huge need and growing concern of our community by implementing the city’s first Homeless Outreach Team with the Chula Vista Police Department.

Perhaps one of our biggest fights was fighting the City of San Diego on an unfair proposed unitary water rate increase to City of Chula Vista residents and businesses. Assigned to the the Metro Waste Water Joint Powers Authority, we successfully received support of regionally elected officials to advise against the increase, drafted the official resolution adopted by our Mayor and Council to oppose the City of San Diego’s and formed local coalitions of small business owners and residents affected by the increase.

In helping to improve our city’s infrastructure with a priority in public safety, our office helped to champion Measure P, passed by 67% of the voters, with the support of the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce and the San Diego County Taxpayers Association. Even further, I worked with council colleagues and city staff to place a public oversight committee to make sure tax dollars would be properly spent.

We have a bright future ahead of us with a positive vision and the right foundation for the Olympic Training Center, the Bayfront Master Plan, the Millenia Project and a four year University. It truly has been an honor and a humbling experience to have the opportunity to serve you.  I look forward to continuing my service to the community as President-Elect of the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce, working to attract and promote well-paying jobs and businesses to the great city of Chula Vista.

Miesen is an outgoing Chula Vista council member. 

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