Believing hogwash and not reality

People would rather believe their ideas about the world are true, rather than know what is factually verified. Most of what human beings think, most of the time, about most things, is hogwash. Everyone has their own priorities, their own preferences, thier own agenda, and their own metabolism. Always say, or write the truth. Then you can never go far wrong.
Compare America with other nations. There are dozens of countries with leaders elected by the popular vote. We take over a year to elect our President. The decision in 2000, and in 2016 here was decided by the Electoral College. S. Korea has campaigns for 28 days. People use the popular vote there on day 29. Go to a restaurant in Seoul and leave a tip when paying the bill. The person waiting on you will feel insulted. A tip is automatically included in the bill there. Taxes are part of all bills there. The San Diego Padres and Los Angeles Dodgers will play 2 exhibition games in Seoul. How will our election in November be decided?


Deuel Woodward resides in Chula Vista.

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