Bail set for accused gunman

Bail was set at $3 million March 29 for the alleged gunman who shot a National City barber in front of horrified onlookers.

David Martinez, 28, was shot in the back around 7:45 p.m. on March 27 when a gunman went into the King of Fades barbershop at 318 Highland Avenue in National City.
Martinez ran outside into the street as the gunman, identified as Peter Burgos, 44, then fired six shots at Martinez, but only hit him once, said Deputy District Attorney Roy Lai.

“He pulled out that gun in front of customers,” said Lai.

Lai told Chula Vista Superior Court Judge Keri Katz that after Martinez fell in the street, he fired his last shot at Martinez’s head, but missed. Lai said Burgos dropped the stolen revolver at the scene and fled.

David Martinez did not know Burgos and his family has struggled to figure out why this happened.

Burgos pleaded not guilty to pre-meditated attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, felon in possession of a firearm, negligent discharge of a firearm, and many other counts involving being a convicted person who is prohibited from possessing a firearm and ammunition.

The prosecutor said Burgos has previous drug convictions and had four failure to appear in court citations.

If convicted of pre-meditated murder, he could be sentenced to life in prison.
Martinez’s parents, Julio and Maria Martinez, were at Burgos’ arraignment. They said the bullet struck their son’s pelvis, and he seriously injured his arm when he fell.

Lai asked the judge to deny bail entirely, but suggested a bail of $2 million if she felt inclined to set any bail. Burgos’ attorney asked for “a fair bail,” and the judge set $3 million.

A preliminary hearing was set for April 11. Burgos remains in the central jail.
The family has posted a recovery fund on the gofundme campaign website, as David Martinez is the sole provider of his three children.

The gofundme website says David Martinez was shot “while he was doing what he loved the most, providing great service to his customers while cutting hair.”

“While we are confident that he will recover completely and be able to perform all his functions once again, he will have a long recovery ahead,” the website says.

“He’s on his feet all day cutting hair and he won’t be able to do this for several weeks or even months. We are asking for any help you can provide to help David through this difficult time ahead.

“He will have extensive medical bills and expenses moving forward and any little bit that you can help with will help,” the website concluded.

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