Art project will remind students of footsteps they can follow

Cesar Chavez spent his life working to improve the lives of our most vulnerable community members. His work and mission inspired many to a life of service. On Thursday, March 31, a national day dedicated to Cesar Chavez, Chula Vista Promise Neighborhood will honor his legacy with a Day of Service. Community is invited to join Castle Park residents, parents and students for a morning filled with celebration, learning and service.

A first generation American and World War II Veteran, Cesar Chavez gave our nation an example of how to uphold non-violence, equality, tolerance and respect for environment. He was a family man, a labor leader, civil rights leader, spiritualist, social entrepreneur, environmentalist, and community servant. Chavez firmly believed that ordinary people could make extraordinary things happen. His work inspired a generation of leaders and continues to do so today.

This year’s Day of Service will kick off at 9 a.m. with Danza Mexi’cayottl in the quad of Castle Park Middle School followed by a welcome from local civic and community members. From there, participants will continue on to their chosen registered activity.

There is no shortage of activities. Volunteers can participate in graffiti removal, neighborhood re-beautification, gardening and planting. Activities will be available on the campuses of Castle Park Elementary, Castle Park Middle School and Hilltop Middle School.

On the campus of Castle Park Middle School, in partnership with ARTS (A Reason To Survive), volunteers along with students and local artists will complete a mural designed by students that honors and celebrates the life and work of labor and civil rights leaders Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, Larry Itliong and Phillip Vera Cruz.

Castle Park Middle School Principal Gina Galvez-Mallari said that this mural brings together the past, present and future and provides students with a sense of pride not only in themselves but in community.

“The mural will be seen every single day. The kids will see leaders who look like them,” Galvez-Mallari said. “They will see these trailblazers and know that they too can be trailblazers.”

To learn more and register for an activity, contact Rachel Morineau (619) 422-5005 or

Chula Vista Promise Neighborhood (CVPromise) is coordinated by South Bay Community Services and is proud to partner with Castle Park Elementary, Castle Park Middle, Castle Park High School, Hilltop Middle and Hilltop High School to bring new opportunities and pathways of success for their students and families. For more information, please visit or call 619-422-5005.

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