A little of this, a little of that gives readers plenty to read

On going through past columns I see where it is almost time to do another one of those olio type columns, you know, the kind that has a number of subjects. As a general rule we like to limit this space to one subject, be it an event or a person. But it is also a really good practice to, once in a while, write about a number of things.

When I have done this in the past, I generally preface it with the declaration that there are a lot of things happening in the community that I have been neglecting.  Hence, the olio. I had a call from a reader one time after an olio and what I heard was that I could not find anything to write about. What an awful thought. Here we live in a community where something is always happening, where we have so many active people clamoring all over the place, where all one has to do is open his eyes and his ears and he has positive subject matter all over the place. Now, let’s see.

Where was I?

For one thing there is always sports in the summer time. The soccer fan will, of course, tell us that with the end of the World Cup sports will hit a sort of a malaise, a dearth, so to speak, until the next four years comes about and we have another “July Madness.” Hey, folks, we are in the midst of baseball season. And we have a team in the Padres who are vying for another title. Having a comfortable lead at the All-Star break in the division can awaken the baseball spirit in the local fan. A visit to Petco Park after the break will erase all thoughts of the past soccer season and the sports buff can rejoice amid RBIs and ERAs.

Regarding soccer I would refrain from writing about it for fear of offending the sport’s followers. Some sports writers have, sadly, written negative things about the sport.  One wrote that after watching the games on television he came to the conclusion that soccer is good for two things: a venue for little kids to vent their pent-up energy and an excuse for mothers to own and drive SUVs. What an awful thing to say.  I would never be guilty of such a statement.


We often receive newsletters from various organizations but seldom get to comment on them. One of these is the publication that comes from the Friends of the Bonita-Sunnyside Library. Most libraries of any size generally have such an organization. It is a sort of an auxiliary to the library itself and they do yeoman service to the unit. The one in Bonita is headed by a formidable group led by its president, Irene Blacklock.  The Friends operate a book store in the library building and raise funds by selling books that are either donated or discarded by the library. Money raised is then used by the library to either buy new books, generally children’s books, or to pay for child-friendly activities.

I was in there one day and a long time friend, Ernie Trimble, talked me into buying a couple of books by Michael Connelly. Her selling point was that the books were only 50 cents but the next day the price would be up to a dollar. I bought them and read them and now I am hooked on Connelly. He is a mystery writer in the genre of Raymond Chandler. By the way, I went back a week later and the hard back books were still 50 cents. Quite a saleslady, that Ernie.

Incidentally the library, at its present location, has been in business for a scarce six months. From what I understand

it is booming. I go there two or three times a week and it is always very busy. If it hasn’t been tried, we strongly recommend it.

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And finally we heard from a reader who wanted to know more about the Jacaranda tree and also where to find some in bloom. Sad to say I think that they have peaked.  The blossoms will last only so long. The winds that we have had of late have probably scattered those blue hues all over the yards. Ah, but take heart, dear reader. I am adding a photograph of not only the Jacaranda but a red bouganvilla that is keeping it company. And they are both growing in Sweetwater Manor. Now how is that about writing something positive?

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