Changes in leadership

National City Mayor Ron Morrison, National City candidates Mona Alvarado-Rios and Luis “Louie” Natividad, as well as Chula Vista City Council candidate Patricia Aguilar emerged victorious in Tuesday’s general election.

Morrison, along with family and friends, gathered Tuesday night at Applebee’s in National City to watch the results come in and just hang out.

National City mayoral candidate and community activist Darryl Gorham finished third and City Treasurer Mitchel Beauchamp finished last. Gorham pulled out of the race Monday night and called Morrison to tell him he had his support.

Beauchamp was upset. “You don’t throw votes,” he said. “He pulled out – that’s a bad faith effort on his part.”

Gorham did not comment.

Beauchamp said he did not feel the need to campaign. “My attitude is I put my name on the ballot, people know who I am – if they have to be persuaded to vote for me by signs, etc., and they don’t use their god-given ability to read and understand then they get what they deserve,” he said. “I’m not going to sell myself. I’ve got a billion other things to do.”

Morrison said long-range plans are key to seeing real changes in the city.

“We’ve got so many things started in the last four years and many more things ready to happen,” he said. “I think the vote that came out is the reflection of National City.”

The runner up in the mayoral contest, Alejandra Sotelo-Solis, said she is proud of the volunteers for putting together a truly grassroots campaign and, prior to the results, said she felt confident her team did everything they needed to do to win the race.

In Chula Vista, Breitfelder, who ran against Aguilar, said he didn’t think she had much of a campaign because most of it was from independent expenditures. “I hope she does well with her position,” he said. Breitfelder said he was grateful for the support he received.

“I’m really touched by the warmth and hospitality throughout Chula Vista and will be forever grateful,” he said.

National City councilman-elect Luis “Louie” Natividad said Tuesday’s election was something he didn’t want to repeat.

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