No bail for estranged husband

A judge on Dec. 4 ordered no bail for a man who ran down the mother of his children with his pickup truck in Chula Vista and he will remain in jail following his Dec. 1 arrest.

Cesar Vallejo Castillo, 37, pleaded not guilty to the Nov. 28 murder of Leonor Castillo, 37, who was run over twice with a pickup at 7:10 p.m. on Elm Street.

Witnesses said the driver hit the woman once and turned around and deliberately struck her again on the sidewalk.

Leonor Castillo had three girls, ages 3, 8 and 10, who are being cared for by their maternal grandparents. Fundraisers have been held to help them. The couple had been separated.

Chula Vista Superior Court Judge Patricia Garcia set a preliminary hearing for Dec. 17. Casillo is accused of using his pickup truck as a deadly weapon and is also charged with two counts of disobeying court restraining orders.

Castillo was believed to have fled the country into Mexico, but he surrendered to authorities Dec. 1 at the San Ysidro port of entry.

Castillo remains in the central jail in downtown San Diego. Another hearing has been set for Dec. 12.

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