April fools, right?

Entertainment Weekly, via the Los Angeles Times, is reporting that your former cigar chomping governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will be the star of his own comic book and animated series.

So, just in case anyone wasn’t convinced that Arnold or any of the other folks who are elected to office don’t become cartoon characters, keep your eyes open for “The Governator,” set to be released sometime next year.

His cartoon sidekick is reportedly a teenage computer whiz (probably not a girl because that would open Arnie up to all sorts of sexual harassment claims, and who needs art to imitate life in the autumn of your life?), but maybe they should recast the role to former Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez.

Nunez’ superhero name could be “Papi Magnifico” because of his ability to convince Schwarzenegger to reduce his son’s sentence for his role in killing a college student.

If The Governator ever makes it down to South County to help fight the influx of drug cartel-related crime, maybe he can team up with some of the local superheroes to win the day.

By day she may be known as Mayor Cheryl Cox, but at night she becomes “Rhino Girl,” not only for her seemingly thick skin (which, like the animal’s, can actually be quite sensitive), but because of her mythological ability to mow down obstacles, opponents and anyone else who gets in her way.

The Governator could also team up with “The Straddler,” whose ability to balance himself on both sides of social issues – gay marriage, immigration reform, medical marijuana dispensaries – has recently become legendary.

Some accuse The Straddler, aka Councilman Rudy Ramirez, of pandering to the forces of both good and evil as he contemplates higher office, but supporters say The Straddler’s arsenal relies more on diplomacy and rhetoric than direct confrontation.

In National City The Governator can count on help from fellow Republican “Magisto!”

As mayor of National City, Ron Morrison displayed a magical way of creating jobs for deserving people. OK, maybe not jobs. A job promotion. For his executive assistant. But you get the idea. Magisto is a magician who should be part of any superhero team.

Last but not least, The Governator should recruit “The Gardener.”

Known for his ability to raise money by planting money trees, Sweetwater Union High School District’s Jesus Gandara is a revenue generating machine that no cartoon character should be without.

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