Most questions remain unanswered

There are many perplexing questions that chirp at me when I try to sleep. Among them:

•How can light be both a wave and a particle? I’ve read dumbed-down articles, watched videos for the simple-minded, but the concept still eludes me.

•What preceded the Big Bang? An ethereal hum? A teeth-rattling buzz?

•Why is it that the silent treatment is rarely mute but instead a 20-minute discourse on my shortcomings as a kind, generous and understanding human?

• How do women — and cats — not understand that the worst time to seek attention is when someone has planted himself in front of the television just minutes before kickoff?

• How did we get to this place in our political evolution, offering up for president of the United States an openly hostile, sophomoric, indelicate, chest-thumping huckster whose admirers and supporters include white supremacists and bigots?

• What would Abraham Lincoln think of Donald Trump? What would he tell him?

• How is it that the difference between your and you’re still eludes adults?

• Why do drivers who cruise along the highway at 45 mph with their left blinker flashing for three miles always manage to make an unexpected merge to the right … in front of me?

• When did adult coloring books become a hot-ticket item popular with the crowd that is old enough to vote and think about the need of having a 401(k)?

• How is it that in California — while the high school graduation rate has climbed it is still only at about 80 percent as of 2014; the state’s youth incarceration rate of 271 per 100,000 in 2013 was 11th highest in the country (with black and Latino kids representing the largest incarcerated populations); the leading cause of death among young people was automobile accidents, with homicides a close second — the governor and state legislators made it a law this year to prevent adults 18 to 20 years old from making a decision to buy cigarettes?

•How does the mayor of Chula Vista promote the need for a sales tax increase to cover the cost of deteriorating infrastructure and preventive maintenance, yet at the same time crow about fundraising for a  half-million-dollar deck for the Civic Library on the west side of the city?

•When will Chula Vista Councilman John McCann finally make the toll road wending its way through South County free to motorists?

• If Trump wins the presidential election should I become one of those dastardly immigrants who moves across the border and steals jobs from hard-working Americans?

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