Chula Vista boy returns home from Air Camp

Alvaro Gonzalez III

A 12-year-old Chula Vista resident returned home on July 13 from the Air Camp at the University of Ohio in Dayton. Alvaro Gonzalez III, a Mt. Helix Academy student, received the Spirit of Wright Award for Charlie Flight.

Alvaro was one of only 44 youth from 30 states, and the only one from San Deigo accepted for the camp where he participated in the rigorous flight training program.

During the 15-hour daily Air Camp, youth participated in flight simulator training and piloted an airplane. Also, during camp, they visit the air traffic control tower and other operation areas at Dayton International Airport, along with a guided tour of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and the Air Force Research Laboratory.

On July 12, at the Air Camp graduation ceremony, Alvaro received the Spirit of Wright Award for Charlie Flight, presented to the top four camp attendees, one from each camp group, who exemplified leadership, scholarship, and citizenship.

“Not only was this a phenomenal experience for my son, but it’s a great program for future aviators or youth inspired toward a STEM career,” said Alvaro’s mother Cynthia.


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