Duffy assures voters feds to be vigilant

U.S. Attorney Laura Duffy announced last week she has appointed a veteran prosecutor to oversee the handling of complaints of election fraud and voting rights abuses for the upcoming Nov. 8 election.

Duffy named Assistant U.S. Attorney Christopher P. Tenorio to serve as District Elections Officer for the Southern District of California, a position Tenorio has held in previous elections.

“It is our goal that all eligible voters can exercise their right without interference or discrimination,” said Duffy in a statement.

“We will work in conjunction with California authorities to ensure that all votes are counted and fraud is prevented,” said Duffy. “As always the Department of Justice will be available to address any concerns regarding the integrity of the election process.”

Duffy announced that FBI will have agents available to receive allegations of election fraud, intimidation, suppression of votes, and other election abuses. The FBI can be reached at (858) 320-1800. Tenorio can be reached at (619) 546-8413.

Duffy noted that federal law protects against crimes such as intimidating or bribing voters, buying and selling votes, impersonating voters, altering vote tallies, stuffing ballot boxes, and marking ballots against voters’ wishes or without their input.

Prohibited actions include photographing or videotaping voters, questioning, challenging, or interrupting voters at precinct places.

“Because the franchise is the cornerstone of American democracy, we must ensure that anyone with specific information about discrimination or election fraud report that information to Mr. Tenorio, the FBI, or the Civil Rights Division,” said Duffy.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has recently stated the current election is “rigged,” but Duffy did not comment on his allegation. She was appointed U.S. Attorney by Pres. Barack Obama after working as a federal prosecutor in San Diego for 17 years.

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