Measure K, the Chula Vista charter amendment, has one change that the voters of Chula Vista should be aware of before they vote on this amendment. That change is changing the requirement that board and commission members be citizens, to only requiring that board and commission members be residents of Chula Vista. This change would have at least two affects, (1) Since boards and commissions have input into the decisions of the City Council, non citizens would be a part of those decisions, and (2), since the charter change would only require that people to be a resident of Chula Vista to serve on boards and commissions, people who are not legal residents of the United States would also be able to serve on boards and commissions. Another point to consider is if you vote yes on measure K, you could be opening up the possibility that future changes to the charter would allow non citizen residents, and potentially, non legal residents, to serve on the City Council.
Robert Ross resides in Chula Vista.