Safe gun ordinance goes into effect

In part of an ordinance passed by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors on Jan. 22 regulates non-serialized firearms and non-serialized precursor firearm parts, commonly known as ghost guns parts. This new ordinance goes into effect on Feb. 25 with all guns in homes and structures near a home having to be secured with a trigger lock or locked away in a container. This new law applies to all who live in the unincorporated areas of San Diego County.

Acting Sheriff Kelly Martinez said that “gun locks are an important measure that can provide critical time between someone having an impulse and taking action” in a press release.

The County reported that data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that in 2019, 117 children and teenagers were unintentionally killed with firearms, and more than 1,160 children committed suicide with the use of firearms. Fifty-four of those lived in California.

BOS Chair Nathan Fletcher stated that safe firearm storage saves lives and prevents gun violence.

“Last year we introduced the measure; earlier this year the rules were finalized, and now we’re delivering on our promise,” he said.

“The common-sense safe storage guidelines that go into effect in our unincorporated areas will keep families safe, especially children.”

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