Chula Visa digital HQ gets ‘smart’

As a part of their Smart City Strategic Action Plan, the city of Chula Vista launched a Smart City digital headquarters website earlier this month.

“It will be a place where residents can learn about the various innovative projects the city is working on,” said Dennis Gakunga. Gakunga, is the city’s chief sustainability officer. Gakunga also leads the city’s Office of Sustainability and Smart City campaign.

“There wasn’t a test group established specifically for the website launch, however, one-on-one interviews were conducted with department heads and city leadership,” he said. “The new smart city website allows the public to sign up for news alerts on key initiatives, provides interactive polls and links to various web tools and mobile applications such as ACT Chula Vista.”

“One of our goals in our smart city strategy is to grow our high-tech business cluster and attract new jobs to Chula Vista,” said Mayor Mary Casillas Salas. “This website helps us show the business community all of the innovative work we’re doing.”

Parts of the website include sections on the modernization of the police department’s new public safety dispatch system which will include real-time tracking of patrol vehicles and can optimize officer efficiencies and public safety.

“City staff worked with Madaffer Consulting to develop the website,” said Gakunga.
The city claims they are leading the international smart city movement with state-of-the-art technology.

Current projects include open data for making city information public, technology training for beginners, autonomous vehicles – proving grounds for advanced transportation technology, and a telecommunications master plan for city-wide network upgrades.
Other projects are Smart Bayfront – smart city test bed, advanced traffic signals-reducing traffic congestion, and construction & development of data-online zoning and permitting.

Their goals consist of a connected, transparent, responsive and innovative city. Visit: to find out more or to download the full plan.

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