D.A. will prosecute woman for taking money from district

A woman accused of taking nearly $12,000 from a local elementary school district is now facing a criminal charge.

On June 28 the San Diego District Attorney’s office filed a fraudulent appropriation by clerk, agent or employee charge against Xochitl Mercado, a former administrative assistant for the National School District. The charge is similar to an embezzlement charge, said District Attorney spokeswoman Tanya Sierra.

With the felony charge, Mercado faces up to three years in jail.

Her preliminary hearing is scheduled for Sept.25 in a downtown San Diego court room.
The district attorney’s complaint states that Mercado fraudulently took money from the school district.

“On or about and between April 1, 2017 and September 15, 2017, Xochitl Ramirez Mercado, being then a clerk, agent and servant, did fraudulently appropriate to his own use, and did secrete with a fraudulent intent to appropriate to his own use, property and money in excess of nine hundred fifty dollars ($950) of another which had come into his control and care by virtue of his employment as such clerk, agent, and servant in violation of Penal Code Section 508.”

Taking more than $400 in California is a felony.

Mercado and her attorney Todd Hilts did not respond to messages seeking comment for this story.

According to internal audits, Mercado is accused of embezzling about $12,000 from the school district.

The district’s audit shows funds were missing under Mercado’s watch. When the district completed its audit on Sept. 28, 2017 it showed $12,076.83 went unaccounted for.

Most of the missing funds were from deposits received from district employees, a transportation gift and the House of Restoration.

Receipts show that the district received the funds but that they were never deposited.

The National City Police Department launched their investigation into the matter on Sept. 22, 2017, days after the district reported the money missing.

Authorities turned over the case to the district attorney’s office on May 10.
Mercado has worked at the National School District since 2006. She had a brief  absence in 2012 before she was re-hired by the district.

Mercado was hired to work as an administrative assistant on Feb. 25, 2017 until her termination on Oct. 2017.

According to a school district source, superintendent Leighangela Brady sent a memo to governing board members explaining that Mercado has resigned from her post after assistant superintendent Chris Carson and Director of Finance Erina Cowart had questioned her about irregularities in reconciling cash deposits.

Brady went on to explain that Mercado eventually revealed to Carson that she had borrowed money from cash deposits and intended to pay the money back.
At the time Brady’s memo was written there was still an outstanding $1,000 even though Mercado had repaid some of the money.

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