Man sues mayor for social media snub

A National City resident is suing Mayor Ron Morrison for allegedly violating his First Amendment rights of free speech by blocking him on Facebook.

Andrew McKercher, a lead organizer of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 569, filed the lawsuit in federal court last week, claiming the mayor blocked him as retaliation for past criticism and to prevent him from publicizing his concerns in the future.
In the lawsuit, McKercher says in the past he has scrutinized Morrison in relation to issues such as National City Councilman Jerry Cano possibly receiving preferential treatment when he violated building codes, the city’s pursuit of anti-immigrant policies and the city’s catering to businesses at the expense of residents’ health and safety.

“Morrison is a frequent user of Facebook and uses the social media platform to promote his mayoral feats and to bask in the glory of his fans’ friendly feedback,” the lawsuit states.

“But when it comes to critics like plaintiff, Morrison refuses to listen and has blocked them from posting on his Facebook Page.”

McKercher referred all questions for comment to his attorney Cory Briggs.
Briggs said Morrison is in violation of the First Amendment for blocking McKercher on the social media platform.

“My client is deeply concerned that the mayor cherry picks the feedback he is willing to consider from his constituents so that he doesn’t have to face the extensive criticisms he rightly deserves,” Briggs said in a statement.

Morrison told The Star-News he could not comment on the lawsuit because neither he nor the city has been officially served with court papers.

However, did speak to the to The San Diego Union-Tribune in a story published Tuesday, but said Wednesday afternoon that the city attorney notified him to not discuss the lawsuit since no one has been served.

“I have not been served and the city has not been served at this point,” Morrison said. “But they [plaintiffs] have no problem serving the media.”

The lawsuit comes days before National City voters will vote on two measures that could determine the mayor’s political career. Morrison is in the last year of his last term as mayor but if Measure B passes it would repeal term limits for him, allowing him to run again for mayor. Measure C, however, would preserve the current three-terms term limit for the mayor’s office.

The lawsuit is similar to the federal lawsuit filed against President Donald Trump who blocked people from Twitter.

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