Gun thief gets year in jail

A burglar who stole guns from homes in Chula Vista has been sentenced to one year in jail.

Two rifles and two shotguns were recovered by detectives from Chula Vista Police. They said all of the guns taken by Daniel Christopher Beahan, 20, were recovered. Two other homes in Chula Vista were searched and stolen property was found in Beahan’s vehicle.

Beahan was placed on three years probation on March 11 in Chula Vista Superior Court, and he was fined and given credit for serving 104 days in jail. The sheriff’s department gave a projected release date of June 17.

The judge also ruled that Beahan, of Chula Vista, can be released to a residential treatment program if a bed becomes available after serving a minimum of 52 days. He pleaded guilty to burglary. Charges of grand theft and possession of an illegal drug were dismissed.

Police received a burglary report on Jan. 18 around 8:40 p.m. in the 1400 block of Nolan Avenue. The homeowner returned and found his guns and other items were stolen. He told police there were items that were dropped or left behind.

The judge did not order any restitution but reserved jurisdiction if someone submits a restitution claim.

Police said Beahan acted alone.

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