Presidential council martial arts awards presented locally

Twenty-three martial artists were honored by the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition with the prestigious Presidential Champion Award in ceremonies that took place Aug. 26 at the Bonita Valley Community Church.
The Presidential Champion Award is issued to individuals who excel in sports, fitness, nutrition and other health related and physical activities, exhibit good character and integrity, and who have contributed to the development of their community in some tangible way.

The award is unlike other sports awards in that it is issued under the authority of a United States Presidential Executive Order to individuals who have earned the right to the award.

The 2017 Presidential Champion Award honorees included Great Grand Master Ralph Castro, Grand Master Hari Banaag, Grand Master David Chaanine, Grand Master Bill (Super foot) Wallace, Grand Master Harry Mok, Grand Master Diann Johnson, Grand Master John Olivier, Grand Master Moses Williams, Professor Ken Drayton, Professor Pete Salas, Grand Master Kevin Hufford, Sifu Malia Bernal, Sifu Alvin Mack Jr., Master Conan Lee, Master Andrew Fanelli, Master Barry Barker, Soke Irvin Soto, Grand Master Eugene Sedeno, Grand Master Ted Sotello, Grand Master Bob White, Kyo-sa-nim Eric Maggio, Grand Master Charles Dixon and Master Cynthia Prouder.

Dignitaries who presented the awards included Chula Vista Council member Mike Diaz and Lemon Grove Mayor Raquel Vasquez.

Also present for the awards ceremony were detective Matthew Smith of the Chula Vista Police Department, Ed Cervantes of the Latino Association for Political Actions and Robert Tambuzi of Black Men United.

Other representatives included Korean Hapkido Grand Master Gustavo Martinez and Tai-Chi Jitsu Academy of Self-Defense Soke Great Grand Master Frederick (Big Cat) Peterson.

Grand Master Byron Mantack hosted the event on behalf of the Martial Arts Academy and the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition.

Despite the event being a formal affair, the honorees and many of the guests elected to wear their martial arts uniform.

About 65 people were in attendance.

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