Sour note for school choir

Bonita Vista High School’s Sound Unlimited girls show choir will be competing in the FAME national championships in Chicago April 26-27.

Bonita Vista High School earned the distinct honor of being the first San Diego County girls show choir to qualify for the FAME national championship competition in the organization’s 18 years.

“This is just a validation of everything the girls have learned at the beginning of the year,” Roxanne Ronacher, the group’s director, said. “This is an adjudication of their work.”

To get to the national finals, the girls won the first runner-up award at the Fame regionals in Orlando, Fl.
Sound Unlimited has won national championships before in other competitions, but never won or competed in the FAME national championship series, which Ronacher said is the Super Bowl of high school show choirs.

However, the group won’t be able to get their shot at a national championship if they cannot raise the $40,000 it needs to send its 39 members to Chicago.

Due to tight budgets, the school will not receive travel funds from the district.

Ronacher said she just needs to send at least 30 girls to Chicago in order for them to compete.

Linda Berke, who has a daughter in the group, and is vice president of fundraising, said because it is too short of a notice to do a fundraiser, the group is seeking donations from the private sector and corporations.

She said if enough money is earned, parents who pay for their daughters to go to Chicago may get reimbursed.
Berke said fundraising during these difficult times presents a challenge.

“Fundraising is hard work, especially in this economy,” Berke said.

Questions about fund raising can be emailed to:

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