Bensoussan cleared by FPPC

The chairman of the state’s Fair Political Practices Commission said there was no evidence that Chula Vista Councilwoman Pamela Bensoussan violated the Political Reform Act.

A complaint filed by private investigator Derrick Roach alleged Bensoussan violated the law that governs the conduct of public officials and campaign committees.

Roach sent a letter to the commission alleging discrepancies with her 2008 campaign mailers and asked it investigate the matter, taking appropriate administrative, civil and or criminal action.

In his letter, Roach stated Bensoussan either intentionally or negligently failed to disclose a reportable contribution in regard to discounted postage, which he stated “constitutes an illegal gift.”

Bensoussan said she never handled any mail directly during her campaign because it was managed by her consultant in Los Angeles.

“Even though one of the mailings contained a nonprofit bulk rate permit, the Bensoussan committee paid regular bulk rates for their mailings in advance and did not receive any in-kind contribution…” wroter FPPC chariman Roman Porter in a letter to Roach dated May 25.

Roach said the findings “seem really unusual.”

Roach said he will further pursue the violation with the FPPC because he is confused as to what documentation they based their decision on.

“Political operative Roach repeatedly files frivolous charges against officials to achieve his own political agenda of discrediting them through unsubstantiated claims,” Bensoussan said.

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