2021 : year of transitions at Southwestern College

Dr. Kindred Murillo

New years always bring new beginnings, and for Southwestern College there will be several new beginnings.

As I head into retirement in a couple months, the Governing Board has selected Dr. Mark Sanchez to succeed me as superintendent/president of this great community college. He brings more than 20 years of experience in community college leadership, teaching and instruction and workforce development. Dr. Sanchez currently serves as the assistant superintendent/vice president of Student Success and Support Programs of Cuesta College in San Luis Obispo—and he is a Southwestern College alumnus!
It is very important for me and for Southwestern College that there be a smooth transition of leadership. Our college community has worked diligently and intentionally to build a foundation of equity, diversity and inclusivity. It has required us to have conversations—often painful ones—to see experiences through a variety of perspectives and lenses.

We are walking, both in baby steps and giant strides, toward a more welcoming college culture for all students, employees and everyone who steps onto our campuses. During the next several months, I will be able to introduce Dr. Sanchez to our amazing faculty and students and show him our body of work toward student success.

Our cornerstone efforts have been through Jaguar Pathways—our collegewide efforts to help students find their passions and complete the steps to achieve their goals in two years or less.

Over the last two years, our faculty, counselors and student support services professionals have transformed processes and procedures to help students onboard more effectively. Our faculty have reviewed curriculum to eliminate courses that were duplicative or superlative. We are creating greater opportunities for students to transfer to four-year universities.

Helping students achieve their goals more quickly gets them into their desired careers and the workforce, helping improve their financial situations. It’s also a matter of equity for the large number of our students who are the first in their families to attend college.

Another major transition this year will be the selection of two new governing board members. With Trustees Tim Nader and Nora Vargas winning countywide seats in November, judge and county supervisor, respectively, the governing board has chosen to appoint new board members rather than paying the cost for a special election. The application process opened Jan. 5 and the deadline to submit applications is Feb. 1 at 4 p.m. The website with the application and information is at www.swccd.edu/GBappointment.

The Governing Board has already established six multi-year goals to continue the college’s efforts for inclusivity, professional development, leadership and community outreach to enhance our students’ success and achievement. By walking through the board’s goals with Dr. Sanchez, he will gain a deep understanding of our community early on in his new great adventure. Just as so many at Southwestern College helped orient me when I came on board, this transition time is critical in helping build a solid foundation on which Dr. Sanchez can bring the college to new heights.

Finally, Dr. Sanchez comes to Southwestern College just as we have completed our self evaluation for accreditation. Faculty, classified professionals and managers from every area of the college have worked the last two years analyzing student data, budgets and procedures to ensure they align with California and national standards. We are proud of the work we have achieved and look forward to the accrediting commission’s supportive suggestions for continuous improvement.

With nearly 60 years serving the South County, Southwestern College is—and will continue to be—a community asset that improves the lives of all our residents.

Murillo is president/superintendent of Southwestern College.

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