Tucked in the southwestern corridor in the city of Chula Vista is the Castle Park community. It is a neighborhood of only 33-square blocks where some original homeowners who raised their families in the 50s and 60s remain and now live side by side with a new generation of residents.
For the last four years, we¹ve shared stories about the journey of this little community.
It was a neighborhood that through the years felt the distress of economic challenges, aging infrastructure and the migration of families. Years of wear and tear had also taken a toll on its schools. It’s a community whose hope had been shaken.
That was then.
Today, there is a renewed spark in Castle Park. Together with parents, residents and community leaders, Chula Vista Promise Neighborhood partners, inspired by the model of the Harlem Children¹s Zone, have worked to create a community of opportunities, centered around strong schools, to provide children and their families with comprehensive coordinated support to reverse the cycle of generational poverty.
The concept is not new nor does it create a new program for struggling communities.
The Promise Neighborhood model builds on successful efforts already underway and helps boost partnerships in order to achieve stronger collective impact.
CVPromise programs strive to support and strengthen all families as key partners who not only understand how to help their children thrive, but also have the resource to do so. In the last four years, we¹ve seen an increase in school attendance, academic scores, first generation college admissions, parent engagement and civic engagement. Results are promising and exciting. Below is a quick overview of some of our 2015-2016 results:
• Castle Park kindergarteners tested higher in kindergarten readiness testing compared to children nationally with like economic challenges (81% vs 48%).
•91% of families with children ages 0-5 have a place where they usually go, other than an emergency room, when they are sick or in need of advice.
• Sixth grade attendance increased from 89% in 2012-2013 to 97% in 2015-2016.
• Math and English Language Acquisition (CAASPP Assessment) scores for Castle Park third, fourth and fifth grade scores increased compared to a statewide decrease for third, fourth and fifth grade students.
• More than 3,000 hours of parent volunteer hours were logged last school year compared to 355 hours in 2012-2013.
• To date, 232 first generation college students from CVPromise have enrolled in two and four year institutions with a 93% retention rate.
We are midway through the school year. College students have completed another semester or quarter and are moving forward with another step toward college graduation.
Seniors have submitted college applications and are applying for scholarships.
Sophomores and juniors are taking SATs. Sixth and eighth grades students are getting ready for their transition to the next step and our little ones and their parents are becoming school ready.
The work continues.
CVPromise partners provide a unique perspective and expertise to support academic achievement as well as support life outside of the classroom. CVPromise partners such as ManPower, San Diego Futures Foundation, SBCS and others offer on site school programs services such as computer training, job skills training, parenting classes and support with housing, food and mental health services. Parent centers are thriving at all five CVPromise schools and are run by Promotoras, bilingual residents who are specially trained and are at hand to assist families and connect them to the right program.
There is also a visual impact from community involvement that can be attributed to the capacity of personal interaction. There are new splashes of color, school murals, lush community run gardens, organic parent led activities, thriving resident leadership academy and a renewed sense of community.
While our numbers are helping to affirm the work, it is also providing us opportunities to have deeper dialogue about impact.
What happens in Chula Vista is happening around the nation. We are working together here and we are sharing with each other across many regions and states. We are working to use our existing resources in more creative ways to help us achieve population-level results for our most vulnerable children and families.
Chula Vista Promise Neighborhood (CVPromise) is coordinated by South Bay Community Services and is proud to partner with Castle Park Elementary, Castle Park Middle, Castle Park High School, Hilltop Middle and Hilltop High School to bring new opportunities and pathways of success for their students and families. For more information, please visit CVPromise.org or call 619-422-5005. For a copy of the 2015-2016 CVPromise results report please visit CVPromise.org or contact pattychavez@csbcs.org.